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Anchored in History: Boating at The Landings

Gus Moore fell in love with boating almost before he could ride a bike. As an elementary school kid, he didn’t have a boat of his own, of course, but if it could float, Moore would try to sail it.

“And then, early in my career, I had a summer job as a dockmaster,” says Moore. “That experience solidified my need to be around boats and out on the water.”

There’s so much rich natural and cultural history throughout Skidaway Island and its waterways says Moore. Gus’s work as a Landings Company Realtor and a tour guide gives him the rare opportunity to share all that knowledge with others on land or at sea.

Moore’s story isn’t unique. As Larry Sincoskie, Marinas Director for The Landings Association, and Doug Powelson, Fleet Captain, The Landings Sailing Club, will attest, hundreds of boaters explore the Intracoastal Waterway in and around Savannah and Skidaway Island – and beyond – every year.

And every year, access to the water becomes easier and more enticing than ever before, whether you own a boat or not.

A Look at The Landings’ Marinas 

Residential access to the water was considered nearly from the beginning when construction began on The Landings in 1972. The Landings Harbor Marina, built at the northernmost end of Skidaway Island on the Wilmington River, opened in the mid-1970s with 28 wet slips and covered, open-air racks for dry storage.

Today, the Landings Harbor Marina has dry rack storage for 292 boats up to 30 feet in length, wet storage for 29 boats up to 40 feet in length, and storage for 12 kayaks. It’s also one of two marinas on the island.

“By the mid-1980s, we saw a need from our residents to dock larger boats,” says Sincoskie. “Our answer was Delegal Creek Marina, which was built on the south end of Skidaway Island.”

Adjacent to the Intracoastal Waterway and within proximity of Ossabaw Sound, Delegal Creek Marina accommodates 57 boats up to 125 feet in length.

How Boating Exploded During COVID

Before the COVID pandemic, access to wet slips and storage at both marinas was simple. But that changed quickly once residents went into lockdown.  

“We went from available openings to a growing waitlist by mid-2020,” says Sincoskie. “People couldn’t meet up with friends and family, but they could get out on the water and enjoy the open experience.”

Interest in boating only continued to grow once pandemic mitigation restrictions were lifted. To address demand and provide residents and visitors with the best boating experience possible, the marinas are getting a facelift.

Phased replacement of the marinas’ dry stacks began last year, says Sincoskie. The newer stacks are more modern and will help the marinas expand their storage capacity. The association is replacing one pre-planned area per year to ensure there’s no disruption to boaters’ ability to get out on the water.

Boating Options for Everybody

Not a boat owner? The Landings Sailing Club and Carefree Boat Club provide opportunities for residents who don’t have a boat but still want to get out on the water.

The Landings Sailing Club

The Landings Sailing Club operates sailboats owned by The Landings Association. Members of the sailing club pay dues to maintain a fleet of 10 sailboats for member use.

The club was formed in 2001 with five used Rhodes 19 class sailboats, which were moored at Delegal Creek. By 2015, membership included 30 families and 35 active sailors, and in 2020, club activities started to expand. The club offers sailing classes to residents and members often compete in local regattas.

“Over the last three years, 121 residents have attended 11 two-day sailing classes,” says  Powelson. “Family membership has topped 50 with very active recreational sailing in addition to weekend racing.”

No previous sailing experience is necessary to join the club, though Powelson notes sailing is a physical activity and sailors are expected to participate by pulling lines, steering, weight shifting, and so on.

“We offer two to three structured basic sailing classes each year,” he says. “And we also train novices with each sailing opportunity to help them expand their skill.” 

Residents interested in joining the club or finding out more information can email landingssailing@gmail.com.

Carefree Boat Club

“The Carefree Boat Club is a great alternative to boat ownership,” says Andrew Jones, owner. “It’s a fraction of the price of owning a boat, and every time you go out, there’s a nice, new, clean boat ready to rock and roll.” 

The private club provides members with access to its fleet whenever they choose to go out on the water. The cost to maintain the fleet is paid through annual membership fees. Members are the only ones with access, and they never pay a fee to use the boats, says Jones.

One club amenity is pre-programmed GPS routes to popular boating destinations. This helps members traverse sandbars and shallow spots and allows new boaters to travel with confidence.

“Members enjoy trips to beaches, restaurants, wildlife explorations, dolphin watching, sunset raft-ups, tubing, skiing, shark tooth hunting, and more,” says Jones. “The amount of activities and trips to do on the water are endless.”

Members must have their boater’s safety certification to access the fleet. New members are then put through around four hours of actual “on the water” training with a licensed boat captain.  Unlimited training is also available all year round. Interested residents can reach out to Jones by scheduling a tour online.

That brings us back to Gus Moore. His love for boating grew into a desire to share his experience with others. Today, Moore is a real estate agent with The Landings Company and a tour boat captain, hosting tours of the waters around the island. You can email Gus at vamoore4@gmail.com if you’re interested in a private boat tour.

Want to explore The Landings by land and by sea? Find out how. Schedule a visit today.

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