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Skidaway Farms

Community gardens have been a part of American cities since the late 19th century. Although their popularity has ebbed and flowed over the years, the number of Americans growing food in community gardens has risen dramatically since 2008 according to the National Gardening Association. And it’s no wonder, since there are so many benefits to community gardening, including access to fresh fruits and vegetables, strengthening social ties with fellow gardeners, creating more sustainable local food systems, and feeling physically connected to the earth, just to name a few.

Although gardening can be a lot of work, it pays for itself in tender, crisp fruits and vegetables that taste far better than what is generally available at the supermarket. By taking control of the foods we grow and eat we can bring about improved health and wellness in our communities.

Skidaway Farms is a community garden, open to residents of Skidaway Island since 2011. The Farm rents plots and raised garden beds on an annual basis for the purpose of growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

About Skidaway Farms

A path between two fields at Skidaway Farms community garden.

Situated on over 2 acres, the farm has 200 10×20 plots and 20 raised beds, with sections designated for conventional and organic gardening. There is also a communal herb and flower garden, plus beehives that produce honey and assist in the pollination of the vegetable blossoms.

Field Trips, Seminars, and Programs

A group of gardeners gather for a seminar at the shelter at Skidaway Farms community garden.
The farm holds frequent seminars and outings for local schools and gardening organizations during which experienced farmers offer advice and insight into the world of farming.

Skidaway Farms also offers a Children’s Garden Program which provides youngsters the opportunity to experience the day to day operations of farming while learning to grow their own vegetables and reap the tasty rewards, all under the guidance of experienced farmers.

You can experience Skidaway Farms for yourself when you make a Discovery Visit to The Landings. We can’t wait to meet you and show you our beautiful gardens!

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