Resident Spotlight: Kathi and Bradd Siegel
When did you move to The Landings?
We moved to The Landings in February of 2013.
Where did you move from?
From Columbus, Ohio.
What do you love most about The Landings?
The people most of all. Just like different colleges attract different groups of students i.e. the nerds or the preppies, The Landings seems to attract really nice people, and once they are here they attract their equally nice friends. It is very unimportant here who you were before you got here; we care about who you are now and making this the best time of our lives. But then you have to talk about the amenities; the golf courses, clubhouses, tennis, fitness, marinas and all of the natural beauty of this island. We also like the fact that we have all ages here. The Landings itself would be enough for us to love it here but Savannah is such an enormous bonus! The restaurants, historic squares, shopping, museums, SCAD, Book Festival, Music Festival and Film Festival are all so much fun. We are downtown on a regular basis taking advantage of all Savannah has to offer. It’s exciting to be in a city that is taking off.
Was it easy to make friends?
For us, The New Neighbors organization is the most dynamic group we’ve ever encountered. We have made so many friends and we are so busy and engaged that we need to remind ourselves to take a breather every once in a while. New Neighbors offers such a wide array of activities that there is something for everyone, from stitching to sports, Gourmet dining, military, and historic and nature tours. We say that we live at Camp Skidway because we are having as much fun as summer camp!
What does a normal day look like?
For Bradd it’s usually golf and perhaps an LMGA (Landing’s Men’s Golf Association) meeting. For Kathi, it’s either golf, Mah Jongg, or Book Club, and lots of volunteering. On our days “off” we love to go to Bluffton, Beaufort, Tybee and Savannah to explore and dine (ok and maybe to shop too!).
How did you decide on The Landings?
I will try to make a long story short and that’s hard for me! For our 60th birthdays we treated ourselves to a tour of Spain and Portugal in the fall of 2012. The first night we met three couples traveling together from The Landings. We liked them all so much that we spent a lot of time with them during the tour. They told us about The Landings and their lives here and asked us to come and visit. We were so intrigued that we came to visit the first weekend in December—we had not been to Savannah before. We knew immediately that it was the right place for us that weekend because we bought a house, Bradd told his firm he was retiring, and we were living here by the end of February. Sounds crazy to me as I type this, but it was the best decision we’ve ever made and we haven’t looked back!
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